Posts Tagged ‘Hesiod


Burning Peddler

Back on Saturday, Patrick and I played the first session of our Skype-based 1on1 that is also set in Ethrea and revolves around the destiny of Hesiod, son of Faustus the village peddler in Askalon. Hesiod sets out on an adventure, approximately one year before Princess Kyrila and her friend rescue the captives from Nimrod. Patrick summarized the first session in the Burning Peddler thread over on the official Burning Wheel forums, so If you’re interested, you may read about Hesiod over there. For now, I can tell you that we had a blast. BW seems to be predestined for 1on1 games.

Thanks to Rafe from the forum who has posted the Burning Shepherd AP which actually motivated us to give 1on1-Skype-gaming a try.